Well it's been kinda nice today to have the house to myself and clean to my hearts content! There's just one thing, well... a couple! I have these 3 lovely dogs who i adore to the fullest, i must add! Well lets just say it makes it quite challenging with a 3 mo. puppy, lol.... I was finding myself picking up socks that were scattered throughout the living room wowza looked like the sock fairy came and dumped a load on my floor! I was thinking wow i am certainly a messy marvin! Well i went about my business picking them up dumping them in the hamper! closed the door and went about my business only to discover the same socks were strung around the living room again I was starting to think hmmmm I thought i just picked this sock up! Ok this happended 3-4 more times then finally i picked up on it that i must have a little sock theif running around the joint stealing my socks out of the bedroom and stringing around the living room! I thought it was kinda funny a little 3 mo. old puppy sure isnt doing this on purpose to cause me more work now would she..... I am cleaning dusting tidying up the living room when i step quite hard with my BARE foot in a puddle of puppy pee yeah thats right a puddle it splattered everywhere including up my leg! mmmhmmmm YES UP MY LEG!!!! YUCKKKKK!
Well shower here I come!!!!! You should see the little sweet innocent puppy sophie she is sleeping like an angel.. Of course she has emptied her bladder and chewed enough on my socks that she must be a little tired! he he he heehe
funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :)