Friday, October 22, 2010


I am so happy to be relaxing in the Mountains on this wonderful scrapbooking retreat!!! It was a beautiful drive up here with so many leaves changing colors and all of the beauty from God's creations, it is so breath taking, the most wonderful Praise I have is Alissa texted me and then was going to call but I wouldn't have reception, so I have found out that she called her Dad which was a total God sent present! It is hard at times to trust that things will keep going in a positive direction, but I will put all of my TRUST in the LORD because I am so small and he is not! This is not my job, not to worry not to disbelieve it is his job so BIG but yet so small for him!!! We just need to believe in him and give it all, which I AM!!!! I am so grateful for all of the things he has blessed me with and that means good and bad things the bad is not so fun but sometimes those are lessons that we learn from the Wise Wise Man!!!!! I am pretty sure he know's just what he is doing, and why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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