Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, life is sure interesting at that... I am not really sure where to start I haven't been keeping up with blogging because I wasn't sure how to find it again, well... I did with the help of my Auntie T! This past year has sure been the roller coaster and still going.. I had my step-daughter Alissa here for her senior year and was so sad to see her go back to New Jersey, it just kinda got worse from there well.. in a nut shell.. she left she got mad cut us out of her life along with all of the McGuire family well.. the majority anyway, and now is living her adult life and trying to figure out the in's and out's I guess! Teenagers I think feel they need to explore, you just don't want the exploring to be a negative one! Well she will learn and find her own way one day - I pray!!!!!
I am getting ready to go up to the palouse divide lodge and go scrapbooking for the weekend and soooo excited!!! Then when I get back I will leave and take my grandparents to Spokane Wednesday for my Grandpa is having surgery on Thursday so please keep him in your PRAYERS!!! I also need to just make it without being too stressed out I tend to try and carry things around I have no business carrying in the first place, that is GOD's job not mine! I will sign in again and sooner rather than later so I will get the hang of this blog stuff!!!

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