Sunday, December 12, 2010

Continuing DaY bY dAy, with FaiTH...

Well this weekend wasn't as restful as I would of liked it to be... My Grandpa is back into the hospital after feeling that "gut feeling" of something is wrong again! Glad I went with my feelings because he is now back in the hospital ICU and getting more blood transfusions and they will be able to figure out where this infection is now! I said I felt it was somewhat of a roller coaster and yes I will stick with that for sure! I guess the upside to that is... the times when he is better gives us time to get a little bit stronger and get somewhat of a break!
I don't like to be negative I like to try even if hard to stay more on the positive side, there is always a situation that is worse than the one we are going through even if we would like to break down and lose it from time to time that's not a bad thing we just need to always remember to get back up and find strength in ourselves which is a true gift from our GOD! I couldn't do this without him, I know this because when I lost my Dad I didn't have the Lord and me being here is a pure miracle! I won't do this without MY GOD I need him and his wonderful Glory to get me through everyday!!! THANK YOU GOD for loving ME!!!

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