Thursday, December 9, 2010

DaY By DaY

Well, what hasn't happened? Actually alot hasn't happened that could have and the things I am thankful for are so so many! My Grandpa whom I love so dearly has had such a rough couple of months starting from a urinary tract infection to kidney failure, heart failure, heart attack, blood transfusions and on and on! You know I am so grateful everyday for everyone in my life, there are so many people whom I love and love me back people I share so much with moments that take your breath away. These are the things in life we sometimes take for granted and don't realize until it is too late! My dad who lost his battle to cancer at age 40 for which I had so many regrets wanted more time and rightfully so 40 is such a young age to lose your life, right? I can look at my life with my Grandparents and say I don't regret anything! I LOVE them they clearly know that I tell them every chance I get, and I spend as much time as I can with them as well. We don't know when the last day here on earth will be, but I sure want to have given all of my love to everyone that is important to me! I can't describe the feeling I get when I look at my Grandpa and he gives me that wink or he says HI SUGAR or HI BABE I absolutely melt, and the KISS and HUGS there is so much LOVE I feel from him that makes me HAPPY and walk away with a SMILE on my face! I don't want to say GOODBYE but... we all have to sometime and I guess if there are no regrets and lots of memories to treasure for a LIFETIME....... I will learn to be content with that!

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